Welcome to NZCETA

Te Aka Pouhoko, Pouoha Tōpū O Aotearoa

Educating young people who will be significantly different!

Educating young people who will be significantly different!

The Association was formed in 1959 and became an incorporated association under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, in 1978 (Registered Charities Commission Number: CC44286).

NZCETA is a national organisation which is administered through the CETA Education Services office situated in Oamaru. It does, however, have a regional presence.

The country is divided into 15 regional branches which support members at local level by way of events, such as meetings. Refer to the map under CETA REGIONS.

The curriculum areas which CETA focuses on are Accounting, Business Studies, Economics, Financial Literacy and Digital Technologies, Information Management/Computing/Technology ICT as well as areas of a Cross Curricular nature.

Our aims

The Association aims to:

New Zealand Commerce and Economics Teachers Association (NZCETA) aims to:

  • provide a forum for the discussion and consideration of all matters pertaining to the teaching and learning of commerce and economics within the broad spectrum of education;
  • promote and stimulate interest in the study of commerce and economics;
  • provide professional learning and development opportunities and curriculum materials for members through the provision of meetings, seminars, conferences, resource development and distribution;
  • provide efficient, effective and accountable financial management in all aspects of the Association’s operations in terms of the requirements of the Charities Act with the allocated number CC44286, the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and the needs of members;
  • provide appropriate and accurate information on the aims, objectives and practices of the Association to members and in response to identified needs.

Key services

CETA Education Services

The administration office of NZCETA which deals with membership information, curriculum advice and guidance, as well as the marketing of services offered by the Association.

CETA Chats

Regular communication and updates with members both generic and individual subjects. Emailed to all members.


Advice and Guidance in curriculum and appraisal. School visits available.


Curriculum development and support opportunities through consultancy, writing parties, workshops and resource materials

Professional Learning and Development

A comprehensive programme of conferences, seminars and workshops throughout New Zealand